
750, 25, 3, 2, 1

750th Home Run
#25 - Barry Bonds
3 good friends
2 hot dogs
1st time at a Major League Baseball game for Lee O'Brien

Last night I saw Barry Bonds hit home run 750 against the Arizona Diamondbacks. It was my first time in AT&T park, and it's quite an amazing place. Big slide for the kids in a giant Coke bottle, miniaturized version of the park for whiffle ball, water jets that spout off when a home run sails the wall, more food than you can imagine, and some pretty ridiculous views of the bay.

My cousin Eric is in town and it was my friends Lee and Bart's last night in town. I was able to grab the agency tickets and off we went. We got there a bit early and saw a bit of batting practice. Lee was amazed by the whole scene. The grass, the size of the place etc. I was amazed by the overpowering smell of the garlic fries.

Many of us got official hats. Another indicator that I'm old reared it's ugly head. I started working the bill of mine into a perfect curve. My 18yo cousin was working to keep his perfectly straight.

I have to admit, I'm a little torn. I'm a lifelong Red Sox fan. But the Giants are my local team. I think I can follow both though. One's American league, one's National. The Sox lead all of baseball. The Giants are way out of the wildcard race before the All-Star break.

Yep, pretty soon this will be my city.

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