
Guest entry from J-Bizzy

Visitor #1 here. The past fews days have been a blast... great food, company, scenery, and exercise... yes, exercise. Uphill both ways is no exaggeration. Eamon's apartment happens to sit just above God's throne... and I have a slight gimp in my leg after hiking to and from his scenic space atop Russian Hill.

For those of you who haven't been here, it's a really cool place. And pretty laid-back for such an urban area. Last night we had the "best burger in San Francisco" at Mo's, which seems like it's pretty accurate and might extend throughout the west coast. Quite tasty. Although I don't know if I needed to finish the 98 oz chocolate shake that we all had to have after seeing Eamon's delivered.

All-in-all... very good times. But I must confess, my biggest internal joy is watching Eamon have to take the Mini (or Juju) out amongst the city and see the look on his face as he parks so close to other cars. I don't know if others have shared the experience of walking 4 miles across a North Carolina parking lot with E because "my baby needs her space".... but those of you that have might chuckle picturing my man having to squeeze here into a tiny urban parking spot beside would be door-dingers.... or better yet, parallel park her ON THE STREET.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

e, I thought you were having a protective force field installed?