
My favorite teacher

On the playground, a kindergarten teacher once asked me why I was playing with the black kids. I remember my initial reaction so fiercely, it has helped shape who I am.

My reaction was bewilderment. Why wouldn't I play with the black kids? They were my neighbors. They were my friends when I went home, why wouldn't they be my friends at school?

So I replied: "Because they're my friends."

Even today, I cannot think of a more perfect answer.

Since that moment, I have grown to consider racism one of the most vile concerns of our society. Which is why when I heard Obama's speech today, I felt heartened. Heartened to hear someone who was willing to stand in front of racism and address it as a real problem. And address it not as a black problem, or a white problem or even a something else problem, but address it as our problem. As America's problem. As a problem we can face.


Higher quality:

Once again, he challenges us to be better. I hope we are strong enough to answer the call. And to my teacher, I say thank you. While I'll never remember your name, I'll never forget what you taught me.

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