
My Lying Ears

I heard a most extraordinary thing this evening.

Many of us are here at the agency working late. Big presentation tomorrow to one of our clients and we're presenting two different brand books. One for each of their brands. As a part of that one of our senior production people, Dennis, is here making sure the printer plays nice and that the books are put together properly. Earlier in the day we had sung Happy Birthday and presented this man with an ice cream cake.

So around 8:30 as we're eating dinner, my boss (amazing bit one, he's with us) walks up to Dennis and says, "You're still here? Why are you still here, it's your birthday." (Amazing bit two.) And then follows that up with, "Make sure you take the day off tomorrow and celebrate your birthday." (Amazing bit three.)

What the hell kind of advertising agency is this?


mikelite said...

we got briefed on a tv assignment with a budget the size of my tiny tiny penis. My CD & the account guy were trying to nail down an official number and the account guy says "You know what, let's not worry about the budget. if you guys come up with something brilliant, we'll find the money."


Anonymous said...

it seems like you work at a place that values its employees. are you from the future?