
A gym with a view

In the workout area of my Y, are several windows that face out over the bay. You can see the ferries going in and out, sailboats depending on the wind, and on occasion great big behemoths delivering more and more trade deficit from China. It's just ridiculous that something as simple as the Y, has this incredible view over the docks of the Embarcadero. Sure my membership is more than twice what I was paying in Winston but I guess that's the cost of wonderment.

Work is good. We're working on a bit of new biz. Tequila client which could be fun. It is after all one of my two favorite liquors and the one that seems to conjure up the best stories among friends. We've been so busy with other clients that not much attention has been given to the "war room." I hope that changes soon. If we are successful, we will have a chance to create this brand from scratch. Having attempted that once before, I hope we are more thoughtful about the process at my new agency.

I have found a favorite client. The San Francisco Food Bank. Right now I'm piggy backing on work that was created before I got there but I feel the radio I've written is pretty good. It's not all world and some of it might even be a bit trite but I think it will be effective for them. Also, it's great to work on something that at one point in my early past, could have even helped my family.

I've also realized just how lucky I am in the roommate scenario. Trav is a good guy and we get on well. We're both similar and different enough that we have good stories and interesting thoughts to tell each other at the end of the day.

I've also found that I now live in a city where there can be too much to do. Sometimes you just want to take it easier than the city will let you. You find yourself craving a movie in the afternoon. A book on the couch. But, it's certainly better than being forced to be that calm because there is nothing else.

I do miss my family and great friends. Although I also find many of them are all too willing to come and visit. And now that there is a futon in our extra bedroom, all of you are more than welcome.

About the only thing I've got to figure out now, is where I'm going to watch Carolina Football games at 9 in the morning.


Anonymous said...

okay I totally know what you mean about having "too much" to do in a larger city. justin and I were just talking about that. even though I don't take advantage every weekend, I just like knowing its there for when I want it.

glad to hear things are going well. as for the carolina games, you need to contact my friend lori. she's a HUGE carolina fan and will probably be watching the games somewhere.

Andrew said...

I think the YMCA of San Francisco would be an unusual & entertaining place to work. Lord knows their float in the pride parade is a hit.

And ps, now that Central dropped their rates you're probably paying more like 3x the monthly dues.

Keep the good stuff coming.