

I don't like pushing my political views on other people because I don't like having political views pushed on me. Thus, I find myself in a conundrum. I feel compelled to take action on behalf of Barack Obama. Most of my need to express my support has been brought about by George Bush's presidency. I am not unique in this motivation as evidenced by the record turn outs in recent primaries. It has never been clearer the effect a President can have on our country. But, I approach my advocacy with a conflicted heart. Part of me needing to do something. Part of me not wanting that something to disrespect the sacred decision of my friends' votes.

So I ask your forgiveness. From here until election day, I will be posting some of my thoughts about the race on this blog. I will only post what I find interesting or pushes me further in one direction or the other. Please ignore them if you'd rather not read them. I will continue posting about my adventures out West and hope you will continue to enjoy those.

1 comment:

mikelite said...

I don't thnk it's a big deal, e. Those of us that read your posts are obviously interested in what you've got to say and value your opinion. I assume, we're also mature enough to "agree to disagreee" if our opinions don't match up. no apologies necessary, in fact, I'd like to hear more.