
SF Profile #3: The Level 7 Towel Fu Master

Viciously he assaults the firebox without mercy. Strike after strike with what appear to be common dish towels. (A firebox is literally a red box on a pole with a phone in it in case there's a fire nearby. After the "big quake" where half the city burned, they're a bit twitchy about fire around here.)

Back to our hero. As I walked up Van Ness Street, he continued to slay the box with three towels and skills obviously learned from years spent studying Drunken Master technique. The sway. The off kilter, ravishing attacks. The incoherent smack-talk. Eventually one of the three towels fell from his grasp but our hero pressed on. Behind the back. Swirl technique. The fall down fake.

I could not stay to see if he ever found mercy and finished the firebox. I was walking toward a theater up the street to meet a friend for the Simpsons movie. Somehow I think the firebox survived. Being iron and what not.

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