
An interesting contrast

Two reporters from the Philadelphia City Paper went incognito and volunteered for the presidential campaigns. One for Clinton. One for Obama.




Oh yeah, I live at the beach

So this past weekend was one of those weekends anyone who doesn't live in California imagines is every weekend in California.

It was flat gorgeous.

And as I tried to figure out how to enjoy the blessed weather to the fullest, I came to a stunning realization. I live at the beach.

I'm so used to a completely different kind of beach, this was quite a revelation. Beaches in NC don't have skyscrapers. They don't have city right up against them.

So I gathered several friends who apparently already knew we lived at the beach and off we went. 30 minutes down the PCH later we were climbing down cliffs (another feature not found in NC.) It's quite the different experience but it's also quite the incredible experience. Watching actual waves crash against jagged rocks creates art.

On the downside the water is mmmmuuuuuuucccccchhhhhh colder. The only people in the water were in wet suits or dogs. My compadres braved it. They quickly complained of frostbitten toes. I demurred.

So, yeah. Nine months later, I figured out I'm not just close to a beach, I live there. Stunning the lack of capacity in my brain sometimes.



Sometimes what needs to be said comes from a very unexpected source.

(Apologies for the less than stellar audio.)


Politicians lie. Used car salesmen lie. Even fine, upstanding citizens of the advertising industry can tell a tall tale.

But Hillary's latest fish story is patently ridiculous. In an interview with a news channel in Wilmington North Carolina, Hillary actually says that Obama doesn't want North Carolina to vote. Seriously.


Sadly, this isn't the only instance of her saying Barack doesn't want states to vote. Fight lies with money. Donate here.

EDIT: Here's a clip of Barack saying voting should continue and that Hillary should be in the race as long as she'd like. That particular comment begins around the 2:50 mark.
