I received several invitations from friends and showed up at the plaza in front of the Ferry Building a little early. There were girls in pantsuits and heels. Others showed up with custom made pillow bashing devices. Two guys geared up with full-on UN Peace Keeper regalia.
And promptly at 6:00, pillows broke loose. I'm in these somewhere:
You may see goose down explosions in some of the videos. Many pillows blew out after too manly a swing. At some points, it looked like a blizzard. There was one moment where a gust of wind came through and created a feathered tornado that everyone paused to check out. "Wow, that's one of the most amazing thing's I've ever seen," was one guys summation. He was promptly hit in the face. At one point, one of these pillows exploded right in front of me. This lead to a mouth full of goose down and coughing the rest of the night. Next year, I'm not laughing at the guys with scarves over their nose and mouth.
Apparently by the end of the event, the goose down was up to some people's knees. And all of it was gone this morning.
One of my pics: