At least that's what yesterday at work felt like. We went on a wine tour of Napa Valley as an agency field trip. Quite upper crusty one might say. Hardly.
It starts going down hill as soon as the bus arrives. Or more aptly called Party Bus. Overhead neon. Strobe lights. Leather couches not individual seats. Stereo system / CD player / DVD player / Satellite TV on a big screen. It was truly out of control.
Mimosas before we got to Napa, four vineyards averaging five tastings at each, beers in between vineyards. All this adds up to a dance party on the way home that everyone, and I mean everyone, got caught up on some way or another. To give you an idea of the fierceness of the booty shaking, thongs were seen.
We stopped to get beer on the way home because we ran out. We should not have run out. We stopped to get a breathalyser machine at Restoration Hardware. Restoration Hardware should not sell breathalysers. (They do.) Our bosses came in first in the heavy drinking category blowing numbers that declared them legally embalmed. People missed flights. As in, rather than going to the airport when we got back two hours late, they kept partying.
In the coherent moments, the vineyards were gorgeous and some of the wines were exquisite. At Mondavi, we tasted the ninth ranked wine in the world according to Wine Spectator. Deliciouso. Their dessert wine was pretty killer as well.
Well, I'm six months in and I must say this is quite a nice marker.