
In the beginning, there was packing.

Can you imagine the days before the launch of the Death Star? Those Imperial Troopers must have been going nucking futs trying to get everything packed. I mean good lord, it's a 5,000 bedroom, 2.5 bath, planet. I've got a one bedroom, I'm leaving behind most of my furniture, and it's still too much junk. Buddhist monks aren't deep thinking minimalists. They're practical.

Ok, so this is the blog where I tell you all about my move out West, new experiences, new people, new pictures and new entries in my notes. And new smackdowns from deep thinking monks who read the first graf.

I created this because there were a lot of people who've been very kind and offered to take me out for various meals before I go. Even breakfast. This means one of two things. Either, I have a lot of great friends who would like to keep up with me. Or, I have a whole lot of not-so-friends who are all too glad to see me out the door. I'm going with the first. Not sure my inner child could take the second. If nothing else, maybe my mom will read this.